weaving the read thread: an invitation to all women and wombs

Dear fellow Sisters, Priestesses, and Magic Makers,

There is a new co-creation that is asking to be birthed into the world through the portal of our wombs. Guided and overseen by Mary Magdalene, this invitation is called 'The Red Thread' and is an invitation to embody our voices and the power of our wombs in this time of radical change and transformation on the planet.

The Red Thread is more than an event; it is a remembrance and reclamation of a way of being. The Red Thread, in this context, signifies a way of living in harmony and alignment with the wisdom of our wombs. It is a way of living in alignment with the primal wisdom of our bodies that our ancestors and great grandmothers knew many moons ago.

The Red Thread symbolizes the thread of connection that ties us to our own womb wisdom, as well as the womb wisdom of those ancestors who came before us and those that have yet to be born into our generational line. It also symbolizes our connection to each other as women, sisters, and lineage-keepers.

In accordance with the radical awakening that is taking place on the planet, the lineage and teachings of The Red Thread are asking to be resurrected into our hearts and wombs again. There is a calling for us, both individually and collectively, to reignite the cellular remembrance of our intuitive womb wisdom–and what’s more, to share our unique version of womb wisdom in the world and live accordingly with the medicine that our wombs offer us.

It is time for us to reclaim our voices and share the truth of who we are. In these radical times, each of us is being asked to step into our brilliance, our authenticity, our gifts, and our light, for the world needs it now more than ever before. In this way, the Red Thread is designed to support each of us in radically claiming our gifts and womb wisdom in a safe and loving sanctuary.


The vision for the Red Thread is this: a monthly, virtual container that is consecrated to the highest vibration of sisterhood, co-creation, activation, healing, remembrance, and empowerment.

Each month there will be an opportunity to gather virtually via Zoom and share our hearts and womb wisdom with one another.

The Red Thread does not belong to one person, but rather to all of us as we are all weaving our unique voices, gifts, and contributions together into one cosmic tapestry of light.

Therefore, the structure of the Red Thread is set up so that each month, a different sister will volunteer to share her unique voice and skills with the community. In this way, the Red Thread is a container that is being co-created by all of us, where everyone is both giving and receiving.

The Red Thread is offered on a donation basis on a scale of $11-$33, with all of the payment going to the sister who is facilitating and sharing that month's circle. Receiving this donation is an important part of the process, as it is healing for many of us to receive compensation for sharing our authentic offerings and voice.

While the sister who is sharing her womb wisdom will vary each month, each virtual circle will follow the same basic template and blueprint.

The structure of each circle will include:

*Tuning in, centering, and grounding;

*Invocation of Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, and any other Ascended Masters or beings of light;

*An opportunity for everyone in the circle to 'check in' and share what's on your heart- not from the intention of 'fixing' anyone, but rather through the lens of sacred witnessing and listening;

*One sister will then offer their unique medicine and womb-wisdom. This womb-wisdom can vary greatly and may include sharing a song(s), story-telling, sound healing, a guided meditation/visualization, breathing practices, a shamanic journey, drumming, energy healing, storytelling, etc. The sky is the limit- allow your womb-wisdom to guide you as to what it wants to share!

*Time for reflection & sharing; bringing the circle to completion.


*Each month, a new sister will step up to offer her unique voice and womb-wisdom.

*Facilitation of the circles will be filled on a first-come, first serve basis. If you are interested in sharing your womb wisdom in an upcoming circle, please email Purandev Kaur at willenev2@gmail.com. If there is a great deal of interest, we may begin to schedule out several months in advance.

*The sister who is sharing their womb wisdom in a circle is to be honored and respected for their unique contribution, wisdom, and voice. When you facilitate a circle, you are saying “yes!” to sharing your womb-wisdom in a safe, uplifting, and loving sanctuary.

*All attendees will be added to the private Facebook group for the Red Thread. Each month an announcement will be made in regards to which sister is sharing/leading the upcoming circle.

*Please note that the Red Thread is an event for all women, including those without a physical womb; this is also an LGBTQ+ affirming gathering.

Attend a red thread Circle

The easiest and most efficient way to stay up-to-date with current Red Thread circles is to join our email list by filling out the form below. Joining the Red Thread email list ensures that you will receive the latest on the dates of upcoming circles, Red Thread sisterhood retreats, and more.

Facilitate a red thread circle

If your heart is guiding you to share your womb wisdom and facilitate a Red Thread circle, please fill out and submit the form below. I will contact you shortly to discuss the content for your Red Thread circle. We will also discuss your preferred date for your circle (which depends on availability), as well as the guidelines for promoting your Red Thread circle.

Thank you so much for your willingness to weave The Red Thread together in this lifetime. This is sacred, powerful work, and each of us is deeply needed as we birth a new paradigm on this planet together.